Monday, November 20, 2006

amul: i lost my heart in chowpatty and thanks

wow! chowpatty is the most wondeful place! so many nice devotees, there are so many, i am so angry i cant spend more time here to know each one of them. anyways, i am doing well. my cell phone has run out of credit and im not going to recharge it because im leaving india in 8 days, so theres no use. Chai came to visit today, i hadnt seen him in a few weeks, it was nice to catch up again.
not much more to say, you have to come here to experience chowpatty for yourself. everything everyone says in praise of this place is true. The prasadam is spicy, but the devotees are really sweet.

i guess this is going to be one of my last posts. I cant believe this trip is almost over. It was like yesterday when i brought the idea of coming to india to chai and damodar in the kitchen while washing pots in towaco. 5 months later, im sitting here talking about finishing the trip!

Krsna, Radharani, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, and Srila Prabhupada have really been really merciful on me these past few months. Ive experienced some really far out, unexplainable things and met some devotees that just remind you of Krsna if you are just in their vicinity.

I think i've changed alot as well. My priorities have changed, my mindset has changed. I feel more focused and i feel like i am ready to take on the rest of my life with faith that whatever path i choose it will be perfect because it will be centered around Krsna.

Thanks for all the readers for your support, i always looked forward to reading your comments. I cant wait to see you all and talk to you in person about the many things i left out of this blog, hehe.

Also thanks to my parents, whom i appreicate even more, for giving me Krsna consciousness and letting me come on this trip (and financing it, lol). And Krsangi, my best friend and sister who support would help me when i was feeling down or lonely. Also VBD, my brilliant other best friend and brother in law, who helped me out on my chowpatty trip and sent me inspiring cards and gifts. and how can i forget Damodar, another best friend, who came to vrindavan with me and even though could not join me for the rest of the trip, kept pushing me and inspiring me to keep going. and last but not least, Chai, who i've got to know pretty well on this trip, who tolerated my chastisement and criticism with a very cool head. there are so many others, i know who you are and so do you. also thanks to those who kept in touch, it meant alot to me.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can't wait till your return man!