Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jagganath Puri....


As I'm sitting here in an internet cafe in Jagganath Puri, I'm thinking that our blog name...Vrindavan Days 2006 is inappropriate, as I am here in Puri, and Amul is currently in Gujurat, and neither of us will be returning to Vrindavan. For those of you who do not know, Kshetra Parikrama is happening in Puri right now, and there is thousands of devotees here. I'll just give you a quick list of the high points of my trip here in Puri so far (I arrived yesterday...)
  • I was questioned if I was Hindu...Yes I also thought that only happened in America, but the panda in front of the Jagganath temple made that clear that it could happen anywhere. I did eventually get a wonderful Darshan of Jagganath, going right up to their lordships lotus feet, along with Vrindavan Candra Prabhu.
  • Someone stepped in my kichri this I'm not complaining....but its a testament to how many people there is here. How many people can really say that someone has stepped in there kichri.
  • Took a wonderful ocean bath...the beach here rocks...much better than the Jersey shore....

That's it from me, as yatra continues in the morning. But today, I am fortunate enough to have Rupanuga Prabhu sitting right next to me as well (yes...everyone is really here...there's thousands ....). Rupanuga says: "Haribol, as long I am in the Presence of Chaitanya and Amul, and Samikrsi Prabhu and Vrindavan Candra Prabhu, I have not time to miss anyone. However I feel after I lose their company, I will let you know."

So that's it for now, and I probably will not get to check the blog until my arrival in Mayapur, so Haribol from Jagganath Puri. Jai Jagganath.

Chaitanya and Rupanuga Das


Anonymous said...

I just caught up with your daily dose of slap stick humour in the motherland. I am pleased that you both have undergone such a transformative experience, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I can't wait to hear your stories and realisations first hand.

Hope you all have mastered:

the art of heckeling with rickshaw-drivers,

washing your feet very well after avoiding every gawd darn piece of horse/buffalo/cow [insert animal excrement here],

inhaled the fumes of CNG buses and cow manure simultaneously,

wondered why the beggars in the morning still want another 5 rupees for paan with chuuna in the evening

accepted that B.O. reaches a new level in da motherland

witnessed magic at mangals

eaten greasy yet amazing maha to your heart's fill

found the strength of a thousand suns to carry forth.

Yes, Bharat is still the same- an oxymoron of sorts. Live it, love it, and come back with a fire for change.

Roli Poli Spirit Souli

Anonymous said...

Hari Bol
I am glad you got darshan Of their Lordships!!Hey you must have looked foreign!!


Anonymous said...

Try to get evening darshan of the lord when he is supposed to be all dressed up.

Anonymous said...

since when do u eat kichri?


puris an amazing place. make sure u see jagannath in is "sona besham"...its when they put golden hands and feet on jagannath, baladev and subhadra. sadly thats a darshan i wasn't able to take but make sure u take it.

have fun.

Namarasa das said...

chai, vrindavan days was appropriate we were there longer than anywhere else...

whatchu talkin about willis?